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Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.11.15

Posted on August 12, 2015 by Archivist in Green Power And Wellness

To hear about SHUTTING NUKE POWER especially in New England we are joined by three great activists: SHEILA PARKS, DIANE TURCO and DEB KATZ.

All three have been fighting for years to close some of the world’s worst reactors.
Deb is a founder of the CITIZENS’ AWARENESS NETWORK which has been at the core of the successful movement to shut Vermont Yankee.  As she points out, New England activists have won major victories not only at VY, but at Maine Yankee, Connecticut Yankee, Yankee Rowe, Seabrook 2, Millstone 1 and more.


News from 2011

Hebert introduces bill to remove Legislature’s power to vote on VY’s Certificate of Public Good

March 15, 2011 by VT Digger
Freshman Rep. Mike Hebert, R-Vernon, stands by his position that the more qualified Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Vermont Public Service Board, not the Vermont Legislature, should determine whether the nuclear power station should be allowed to run for another 20 years.


Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Prompts Calls For U.S. Safety Review

March 15, 2011 by VPR
Experts say the growing problems at crippled nuclear power plants in Japan may prompt a review of safety issues in the U.S. If there is a review, Vermont Yankee would probably be part of it because its design is similar to the reactors in Japan.



Fukushima Reactors Same Age, Design as Vermont Yankee

March 15, 2011 by 24/7 Wall St.
It’s no surprise that the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power generating site is causing an almost instant re-thinking of global nuclear policy. It is not even surprising that it took a disaster of this magnitude before the issue of nuclear power got the scrutiny it deserves.



With new scrutiny on nuclear power, Vermont's aging plant faces critics

March 15, 2011 by The Boston Globe
The catastrophe at Japan's nuclear power plants has added new impetus to the debate over whether to extend the operating license for an aging plant in Vermont.



There is a lesson for Americans in the Japanese nuclear crisis

March 15, 2011 by The Keene Sentinel
he Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s announcement that it has approved a 20-year license extension for the Vermont Yankee power plant came last week, one year before the plant’s current license expires. And in a frightful irony, the announcement came just as the earthquake- tsunami disaster in Japan began to undermine and destroy nuclear plants there.


Vermont Gov. Fights to Close Vermont Yankee, One of 23 U.S. Nuclear Power Facilities Nearly Identical to Failed Japanese Plant

March 15, 2011 by Democracy Now
One day before the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and sparked a nuclear crisis, the U.S. Nuclear Regulator Commission announced it would renew the license for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant. Vermont state legislators had voted to close the plant when its license expires in 2012.



End game for Vermont Yankee

March 14, 2011 by The Bennington Banner
Three months from now, Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee will be forced to make a fateful decision: whether to give in to the furious anti-nuclear campaign led for years by Vermont’s anti-nuclear new governor, and abandon a safe, reliable, low-cost, nuclear plant that generates about a third of Vermont’s electrical consumption.


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To the Village Square: From Montague, Massachusetts to Fukushima, Japan 1975-2014

A book by Lionel Delevingne, Photographer

"Along the way Lionel Delevingne has been the 'family photographer' of an amazing body of people and actions that, against all odds, have created a way for the human race to survive. Our time together has been joyous, demanding, pathbreaking, exciting, astounding and so much more. All captured on film by the brilliant, loving lens of Lionel Delevingne, and in the beautiful words of Anna Gyorgy’s introduction. 'To the Village Square' is the essential passport to four decades of peaceful passion. Don’t miss it!"

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Deb Katz: 2000 Giraffe Hero Commendation, given to people who stick their necks out for the common good  


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